Antibacterial Films

Why use this product?

With the annual flu, common colds and general germ transmission, protecting your family at home, staff in the workplace or when using public transport, it makes sense to add a barrier to commonly touched surfaces to protect us all from ill health.

We can all inadvertently carry and spread germs through either air transmission or by touching surfaces. Here at Tinting Express we can help with getting surfaces protected by offering an antimicrobial film that will kill 99.9% of germs and reducing the risk.

Surface protection
Door handles, door push plates, shop counters, touch screens, toilet cistern flush handles, shopping centre toilet doors, fridge freezer door handles at supermarkets. Anywhere there is a need for multiple users to touch the same surface, we can assist in reducing the spread of germs or the exponential increase of bacteria growth.
Where can the film be used?
Wherever there is a need for many users to touch the same surface. Shopping trolley handles, grab handles on trains, buses, planes, cruise liners, shop display cabinets, cold rooms, food preparation areas, touch screens. Hospitals, Health Centres, Dentists, Chemists, you name it!
What bacteria does the film kill ?
Salmonella enteric supsp enteric 99.99%. Listeria monocytogenes 99.99%. Staphylococcus aureus 99.99%. Escherichia coli (E-Coli) 99.99%. MRSA 99.99%.
The Film
Protects 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Waterproof. Protects inaccessible areas. Inhibits the development of 99.99% of the germs tested (tests in conformity with the ISO 22196 standard) Reduces a bacterial population by 4.5 log Prevents the formation of biofilm. Active for 5 years. Perfectly ecological. No nanoparticles. Can be cleaned in the usual way in most cases, resistant to most chemical agents, alcohol, diluted acids, oils
What can we do for you?
Give us a call, email or fill in the contact form. Let's get a discussion going on what you want doing and see if we can assist